Internal Business Process Modeling: The Secret Behind Exponential Organizations

The Top Five Data Intelligence Benefits

Jul 17, 2019 by Mariann McDonagh

Constructing a Digital Transformation Strategy: Putting the Data in Digital Transformation

Having a clearly defined digital transformation strategy is an essential best practice for successful digital transformation. But what makes a digital transformation strategy viable? Part Two of the Digital Transformation Journey … Part one In our last blog on driving digital transformation, we explored how business architecture and process (BP) modeling are pivotal factors in […]

Business Architecture

Jul 11, 2019 by Marios Forsos

Business Architecture and Process Modeling for Digital Transformation

At a fundamental level, digital transformation is about further synthesizing an organization’s operations and technology, so involving business architecture and process modeling is a best practice organizations cannot ignore. This post outlines how business architecture and process modeling come together to facilitate efficient and successful digital transformation efforts. Business Process Modeling: The First Step to […]

Digital Transformation Examples

Jun 14, 2019 by Bunny Tharpe

Digital Transformation Examples: Three Industries Dominating Digital Transformation

Digital transformation examples can be found almost anywhere, in almost any industry. Its past successes – and future potential – are well documented, chronicled in the billion-dollar valuations of the frontrunners in the practice. Amazon began as a disruptor to brick-and-mortar bookstores, eventually becoming one of the most obvious digital transformation examples as it went […]