Solving the Enterprise Data Dilemma

Data Governance Stock Check

Jul 6, 2018 by Marios Forsos

Benefits of Process: Why Modern Organizations Need Process-Based Engines

In the current data-driven business climate, the benefits of process and process-based strategy are more desirable to organizations than ever. Industry regulations and competition traditionally have driven organizational change, but such “transformation” has rarely been comprehensive or truly transformative. Rather, organizational transformation has come in waves, forcing companies and their IT ecosystems to ride them […]

Business Process Modeling and Its Role Within the Enterprise

Jun 8, 2018 by Bunny Tharpe

Business Process Modeling and Its Role Within the Enterprise

To achieve its objectives, an organization must have a complete understanding of its processes. Therefore, business process design and analysis are key to defining how a business operates and ensures employees understand and are accountable for carrying out their responsibilities. Understanding system interactions, business processes and organizational hierarchies creates alignment, with everyone pulling in the […]

A New Wave in Application Development

Apr 27, 2018 by Bunny Tharpe

A New Wave in Application Development

Application development is new again. The ever-changing business landscape – fueled by digital transformation initiatives indiscriminate of industry – demands businesses deliver innovative customer – and partner – facing solutions, not just tactical apps to support internal functions. Therefore, application developers are playing an increasingly important role in achieving business goals. The financial services sector […]