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Using Enterprise Architecture, Data Modeling & Data Governance for Rapid Crisis Response

Mar 17, 2020 by Mariann McDonagh

Top 6 Benefits of Automating End-to-End Data LineageBecause of the coronavirus pandemic, organizations across the globe are changing how they operate.

Teams need to urgently respond to everything from massive changes in workforce access and management to what-if planning for a variety of grim scenarios, in addition to building and documenting new applications and providing fast, accurate access to data for smart decision-making.

How can the erwin EDGE platform help? Here are a few examples specific to enterprise architecture and business process modeling, data modeling and data governance.

Enterprise Architecture & Business Process Modeling

In the face of rapid change, your organization needs to move fast to support the business in a way that provides comprehensive documentation of systems, applications, people and processes. Even though we face a new reality that requires flexibility, the business still has to run with order, documentation and traceability for compliance purposes.

erwin Evolve is purpose-built for these situations and can be used for strategic planning, what-if scenarios, as-is/to-be modeling and its associated impacts and more.

Agility and remote working requires a supporting infrastructure and full documentation. No matter what your role in the company, you need access to the processes you support and the details you most need to get your job done.

erwin Evolve is an enterprise architecture tool that provides a central repository of key processes, the systems that support them, and the business continuity plans for every working environment. This gives all your employees the access and knowledge to operate in a clear and defined way.

Data Modeling

Companies everywhere are building innovative business applications to support their customers, partners and employees in this time of need. But even with the “need for speed” to market, new applications must be modeled and documented for compliance and transparency. Building in the cloud? No problem.

erwin Data Modeler can help you find, visualize, design, deploy and standardize high-quality enterprise data assets. And it’s intuitive, so you can get new modelers up and running quickly as you scale to address this new business reality.

Data Governance

In times of crisis, knowledge is power and nothing fuels decision-making better than your enterprise data. Your data scientists need access to quality data harvested from every data source in your organization to deliver insights and actionable intelligence.

erwin Data Catalog and erwin Data Literacy work in tandem as the erwin Data Intelligence Suite to support data governance and any other data-driven initiative.

Automated metadata harvesting, data cataloging, data mapping and data lineage combined with integrated business glossary management and self-service data discovery gives data scientists and all stakeholders data asset visibility and context so they have the relevant information they need to do their jobs effectively.