erwin Expert Blog

erwin’s Predictions for 2021

Mar 19, 2020 by Bunny Tharpe

Types of Enterprise Architecture Frameworks: ArchiMate, TOGAF, DoDAF and more

In enterprise architecture, there are a number of different types of enterprise architecture frameworks, tailored to meet specific business and/or industry needs. What is an Enterprise Architecture Framework? An enterprise architecture framework is a standardized methodology that organizations use to create, describe and change their enterprise architectures. Enterprise architecture (EA) itself describes the blueprint and […]

Enterprise Architecture Management Suites

Mar 12, 2020 by Mariann McDonagh

Takeaways from Forrester’s Latest Report on Enterprise Architecture Management Suites

Forrester recently released its “Now Tech: Enterprise Architecture Management Suites for Q1 2020” to give organizations an enterprise architecture (EA) playbook. It also highlights select enterprise architecture management suite (EAMS) vendors based on size and functionality, including erwin. The report notes six primary EA competencies in which we excel in the large vendor category: modeling, […]

The Value of Enterprise Architecture

Mar 5, 2020 by Mariann McDonagh

The Value of Enterprise Architecture to Innovation and Digital Transformation

The value of enterprise architecture to innovation management and digital transformation is clear. Innovation management is about quickly and effectively implementing your organization’s goals through the adoption of innovative ideas, products, processes and business models. Most organizations are beginning to realize that to drive business growth and maintain a competitive advantage, innovation needs to be […]

Change Management

Feb 27, 2020 by Bunny Tharpe

Change Management: Enterprise Architecture for Managing Change

As organization’s technologies and digital strategies mature, enterprise architecture for change management is becoming increasingly relevant.  Enterprise architecture’s holistic view of the organization is perfect for understanding how an organization’s assets are interconnected.  This understanding is crucial when an organization is looking to change from within. But it is perhaps even more crucial still, when […]

Data Governance 2.0: The CIO’s Guide to Collaborative Data Governance

Feb 13, 2020 by Danny Sandwell

Data Governance and Metadata Management: You Can’t Have One Without the Other

When an organization’s data governance and metadata management programs work in harmony, then everything is easier. Data governance is a complex but critical practice. There’s always more data to handle, much of it unstructured; more data sources, like IoT, more points of integration, and more regulatory compliance requirements. Creating and sustaining an enterprise-wide view of […]